Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Shrugged #3

Of all the books Aspen offers (and that number is growing), certainly the most unusual (to date) has to be Shrugged.

It centers around a teen named Theo whose focus is on school and girls (though not in that order), but he also has a connection to mystical powers that show up without warning.

Guiding him through life in general and mystic challenges in particular are an angel and a devil - they "sit on his shoulders" and try to guide and protect him.

But trouble is simmering on their home planet, which is suffering a devastating attack - and it spills over into Theo's world.

The series features nice art by Jonathan Marks, though the big bad is so chaotic that it's not easy to tell what's going on sometimes.

The story by Frank Mastromauro needs a little fine-tuning - readers who've been following from the start will have no problem, but new readers may find a steep learning curve, especially since the concept is out of the ordinary.

Grade: B


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