Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Comics Day!

I haven't looked at 'em yet, so I'm guessing about the contents.

I got:

- Avengers World #4 - The mystery of StarBrand!

- Daredevil #1 - A new start for DD!

- Harley Quinn #4 - I'm guessing there's a lot of hitting involved.

- Invaders #3 - What happened to Namor?

- Iron Man #23 - Who's wearing the Mandarin's rings?

- Ms. Marvel #2 - It's her second issue!

- New Avengers #15 - Big doin's cooking here.

- Spider #18 - The final issue.

- Superman Unchained #6 - Is this still being published?

- Thor #20 - Taking on a big opponent.

- Wonder Woman #29 - That hat doesn't do anything for her.

- Uncanny X-Men #19 - Lots of angry fighting, I suppose.

And that's it!

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